Business websites  @ Saxer Design

What we offer

  • Tailored WEBSITE to show off your services and products.

  • Dedicated PHOTOSHOOT for your business.

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) to lead visitors to your site.

  • BRANDING, rejuvenating or creating an outstanding identity for your business.

  • Ongoing PARTNERSHIP to maintain and update your website.

My personal approach

Many businesses excel at their craft but struggle to market their products and services effectively online. While most companies have a website, it often falls short of its potential. That's where I come in. As your partner, I take the time to understand your business and its unique offerings. Once I'm familiar with your operations, I develop a strategy and propose innovative ideas to showcase your products or services and attract new clients.

Fortunately, all of my clients offer high-end products or services, which makes it easy to showcase their excellence. I often take website visitors on a photographic tour of the company, showcasing the workshop and office to provide a better understanding of the value of the product.

To ensure that our projects are completed to the highest standard possible, I work with a team of dedicated experts in search engine optimization, copywriting, and illustration. And, of course, everything is completed within your budget and on time.
